Welcome to the rey family Sharyn! We’re really thrilled to have you speaking with us - how was the end of your 2022, what are the plans for the rest of the summer? I was so ready for a break! I had my youngest son Reuben, (11 weeks early) in November 2021. My first half of the year was maternity leave before doing Masked Singer, Dancing with the Stars and returning to The Edge, while balancing mum life with two boys - you can say it’s been quite the adjustment. We’re going to continue to stick around home mostly and pop out to see friends around the place too.
We love how much personality and realness you bring to The Edge - how long have you been a radio host and how did you decide that was your path? I’ve been in radio for 18 years now and have always been in love with it. I had always loved music, making people feel something and bringing sunshine to people’s lives with a laugh or two. So Edge was definitely fitting for all of the above.
Not only on the radio, but you host ‘The Trainee Sexologist. Tell us about that - given it used to be such a taboo topic, especially for females in speaking to pleasure and the ‘O’ word. What brought the idea to life? My friend Morgan was training to be a somatic sexologist, and we really wanted to work together and document her journey as she became certified. That’s how it came to life. We wanted to encourage healthy conversations around sex, teach people things through Morgan’s expertise and have a laugh in the process of it all. It’s become one of the things I’m the most proud of in my career.
Beyond your own channel, what are some podcasts/ books you without a doubt recommend to a working gal? I love ‘Call her Daddy’, her interviews are the best ‘Shameless’ which is a podcast for smart women who love silly stuff Jay Shetty’s ‘On Purpose’ is always a good listen too.

How do you ‘switch off’ - especially during the busy summer season? Every night when the boys go to bed I climb into bed and watch some good old fashioned TV. My husband also brings me a cuppa of sleepy tea and some chocolate. To be honest, I just totally switch off with mind numbing TV.
How would you describe your signature style? I wouldn’t call myself ‘fashionable’, I just aim to be comfortable, which will make me feel confident. If it’s in the colour lilac, then it’s a huge bonus! I will always be wearing Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb perfume and sneakers - you will not catch me in heels unless I’m working on the telly.
What are some of your new year resolutions, why are they important to you? My aim is to have balance, have fun and learn to say “no” more. I can easily start operating in fight mode to survive, instead of just stopping and taking a pause. I want to not let myself get into that mindset.
Who is your ultimate style inspiration/icon? Who was it when you were growing up - how much has it shifted over the years? The Spice Girl, but I alternate which one…
Lastly, know that we are all still catching the peak of summer, what are some essentials you have on you when you’re out and about. Jumping from one occasion to the other? My phone, sunscreen, sweatshirt and quite honestly I’m a sweater, so I take those Girls Get Off hygiene wipes with me, just in case..